Are you stressing over your relationship? Know that you’re not the only one as every relationship has ups and downs and is not entirely perfect. Things you Must Not Go Wrong in a Relationship

But this doesn’t mean an end to any relationship, if you’ve true intentions for someone then giving up is never an option. Instead, one must learn and change from their past mistakes. 

With this comes in mind, how to maintain a happy relationship. How to avoid relationship pitfalls? So, here are some habits which you should avoid in a relationship.

  1. Bottoming up your feelings 

Just because you’re in love with your partner doesn’t mean it gives the ability to read minds in a relationship. Know that one of the important aspects of any relationship is healthy and open communication. 

Instead of bottoming up your feelings or waiting for your partner to read your mind, share your thoughts as it is the key to a healthy relationship. Remember, to have a long-term relationship, communication is the backbone. 

Therefore, instead of creating a gap by keeping everything inside your mind, speak up about your issues and how you feel and resolve them together. 

  1. Do not fight to win

To have a healthy relationship, remember the fights are between both of you and the matters of discussion are not between both of you. If you bottle up your feelings and explode them at once, then it will only make the situation worse. 

So instead of wanting to win any argument, keep the swords down, understand the situation and try ending up on the common ground. Therefore, one must always choose healthy communication over an explosive argument. 

  1. Never stop putting in the effort

The very few months of being in a relationship feel exciting. Isn’t it? But this excitement seems to fade away with time as couples get too comfortable and simply stop trying. 

Be it complementing each other, treating how they were treated months or years back or thinking about all the romantic ways to surprise your partner, all these get crashed and burned, once you stop putting in the effort. 

It is vital to understand that being in a relationship doesn’t mean one should stop making those little gestures while focusing on the future. Therefore, if you stop putting effort, you’re bound to lose each other sooner or later. 

  1. Never compare your partners with others

As every person has his/her own personality and expectations, the biggest mistake couples make in relationships is comparing their partners with others. One must understand that not every individual is the same and there must not be any comparison at any cost. 

Instead of changing them, believe who they are because they are the only person with whom you first fell in love. Isn’t it?

So instead of trying to make them some other person, try improving them where you think it’s necessary and always value and respect your partner for their individuality. 

  1. Never forget about your partner

Whether you’re willing to make time for your friends or family or into jobs that seek your intention, remember you shouldn’t be forgetting about your partner at any cost. This is another biggest mistake almost every couple makes in relationships. 

For instance, spending quality time out at the bar and forgetting to answer your partner’s texts really puts a bad impression. Even though it is done with or without intentions, nothing hurts more than this in a relationship.

In simple words, the one who cares will never forget. As forgetting feels very bad while ignorance can be worse. 

  1. Stop snooping and build more trust

Not denying the fact, even though not regularly but we all do it at least some days. Who doesn’t peek into a partner’s phone or a mysterious drawer? Many couples in relationships do this, but little do they know snooping can only lead to problems. 

Why would your partner place something openly if they really want it to be hidden? So snooping in such cases only leads to getting caught or finding something that you don’t understand which as a result leads to misinterpretation and lack of trust. 

Instead of creating such problems in your relationships, learn to build trust and communicate effectively. 

  1. Never bring up the past

When it comes to mistakes couples do in a relationship, a major NO stands for involving the past. Remember, you should only focus on the present in your relationship. 

Instead of bringing up pains during a fight and using it as ammunition, learn to leave it behind on the coasts where it exactly belongs.

  1. Always support them

No matter what, always having your partner’s back and not supporting each other is where couples go wrong in a relationship. Be it in their dreams or in times of need, always stay there to support them in every situation. 

Instead of mocking your partner’s wrong decision, help them to get through it and never make him/her feel worse about failing. 

  1. Never keep secrets from your loved ones

If you want a long term relationship, then the only way to avoid going wrong is to not keep secrets from your partner. This doesn’t mean you’re bound to tell every single minute detail about yourself to your partner. 

This also doesn’t mean that you should keep something major intentionally hidden from them. Know that hiding secrets that need to be shared or anything which makes you feel guilty for not sharing your partner will only ruin your relationship. 

Therefore, one lie brings thousands of lies together and as a result, it can create trust issues between you and your partner. 

  1. Placing blame instead of owning your mistakes

It happens many times that couples instead of accepting their mistakes try blaming each other. This is a major mistake that every couple needs to understand. 

Knowing that this habit will only ruin communication between two people, leads to misunderstandings, easy judgement and damages the overall relationship. 

Pointing fingers at each other doesn’t solve the issues… 

As humans, we all make mistakes but what we learn from it matters the most. So instead of pointing fingers at each other, it’s better to find solutions in the most healthy and positive ways. Things you Must Not Go Wrong in a Relationship